
HLG accountants en adviseurs B.V. / HLG audit B.V. and HLG corporate finance B.V. (from here on HLG) places great value on satisfied relations, and for this reason we work continuously to improve the quality of our services. If you are nevertheless dissatisfied regarding one of our employees or partners, our services or any other aspect of our organisation, we emphatically invite you to let us know as quickly as possible. We have set up a complaints procedure to this end.

The primary purpose of our complaints procedure is to resolve complaints by customers, employees and other interested parties to everyone’s satisfaction. Another purpose of our complaints procedure is to learn from the complaints and, if necessary, implement changes to the internal control system of our office in order to avoid new complaints.

We assume that reports are made in good faith, and express genuine and well-founded concerns. All reports will be evaluated carefully by us.

How can you submit a complaint?

You can submit your complaint as follows:

  • Verbally, to your account manager or one of our partners;
  • By form, click here;
  • In writing to one of our partners or our Compliance Officer, mr. drs. G.C. de Gooijer RA
  • If your complaint pertains to one of our partners, you can submit your complaint to our Compliance Officer. You can send your written complaint to: HLG accountants en adviseurs, Fokkerstraat 12, 3833 LD te Leusden.

What should you include when submitting a complaint?

Please include the following details, if applicable:

  • Your own name, business name, address, mobile/fixed telephone number and/or email address;
  • A clear description of the complaint, including all relevant facts and circumstances;
  • The name of the employee or the partner about whom the complaint is being made;
  • The reason why you are submitting the complaint.

How will your complaint be processed?

We will process your complaint in the following way:

  • Within five working days of receipt of your complaint, we will respond either in writing to settle the complaint and, if possible, to offer a satisfactory solution, or we will confirm receipt of your complaint in writing.
  • If we initially only send confirmation of receipt of your complaint, we will complete processing of your complaint within 10 working days of receipt of your complaint, and if possible, offer a satisfactory solution.
  • When responding to your complaint, we will indicate who or which department at our offices is responsible for processing your complaint.
  • In this substantive response to your complaint, we will indicate how we wish to process your complaint. If this cannot take place immediately, we will indicate within which period we expect to be able to complete processing of the complaint.

Other aspects

If you are of the opinion that your complaint has not been processed in accordance with the method indicated above, or that your complaint has not been settled satisfactorily, you can notify our Compliance Officer, mr. drs. G.C. de Gooijer RA, in writing to this effect. In both cases, you can send your written response to HLG accountants en adviseurs, Fokkerstraat 12, 3833 LD te Leusden, for the attention of the Compliance Officer.

The board will ensure that the customer, the firm’s employee or the other interested party who has submitted the complaint with due observance of the provisions of this procedure will not be prejudiced in terms of his or her position in any way as a result.

Partly in the context of our appeal procedure, all aspects regarding processing of your complaint will be recorded. Naturally, the information will be handled carefully and confidentially.

We trust that we will have a good future relationship and cooperation.

The board
HLG accountants en adviseurs B.V.
HLG audit B.V.
HLG corporate finance B.V.